Chris Murphy <> writes:

> On Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 6:57 AM Simo Sorce <> wrote:
>> On Fri, 2019-10-11 at 09:56 +0200, Daniel Mach wrote:
>>> On 10/7/19 8:55 PM, Simo Sorce wrote:
>>>> I have to ask, given containers are so popular and can deal with
>>>> any dependency without conflicting with system installed binaries,
>>>> should we really continue with this very complicated modular design
>>>> ?
>>> There are only few people who fully understand how modularity works
>>> today (contyk who designed modulemd, jmracek and me who implemented
>>> the DNF part and few others). I agree that the modular design should
>>> be simplified. If we don't lower the bar, the complexity might
>>> prevent from wider adoption.
>> Yes, at the moment it is a too complex system.
> Do you gain something out of that complexity that's worth it? Or is
> that an open question? And is it a design requirement?
>>> As a former release engineer, I'm personally unhappy about lack of
>>> upgrade paths between module contexts and I believe that fixing this
>>> part of modularity design could lead to desired simplification.
>>> Unfortunately based on discussion I had with contyk yesterday, I
>>> don't believe it's achievable without making *huge* changes in the
>>> modularity design and the build infrastructure/process.
>> Well, the way I see it, if it is not usable we shouldn't inflict it
>> on users unless there is a clear and overwhelming technical advantage
>> in doing it. So far it eludes me what advantage modularity gives that
>> is so important.
> As a contrarian, I'd be suspicious if there's complete agreement on
> any new thing. Do you disagree with the stated advantages of
> modularity? Or do you not understand the advantages of modularity? Do
> you think modularity is a solution in search of a problem? i.e. you
> don't even agree or understand the stated problem modularity is
> intended to solve, even before the questions of whether modularity
> adequately addresses the problem(s)?

I believe the point most of us are struggling with is: there's no
definition of what advantages of modularity are.  There may or may not
be some idea of what the advantages could be, which is a different
thing.  This makes it really hard to argue whether it is or isn't
succeeding when there isn't a criteria for success.

Lack of such information places it firmly in the class of "solution in
search of a problem".


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