On 09/26/2019 01:21 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Thu, 2019-09-26 at 20:55 +0200, Hans de Goede wrote:
>> Hi Tom,
>> On 26-09-2019 20:47, Tom Stellard wrote:
>>> On 09/26/2019 11:24 AM, Adam Williamson wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 2019-09-26 at 11:20 -0700, Tom Stellard wrote:
>>>>> On 09/26/2019 11:03 AM, Adam Williamson wrote:
>>>>>> We are currently in the "Beta to Pre Release" phase of the release
>>>>>> cycle. The updates policy for this phase -
>>>>>> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Updates_Policy#Beta_to_Pre_Release -
>>>>>> says:
>>>>>> "From this point onwards maintainers MUST[1]:
>>>>>>      Avoid Major version updates, ABI breakage or API changes if at all
>>>>>> possible."
>>>>>> However, it seems a major new release of LLVM is appearing in F31 at
>>>>>> present, and AFAIK there has been no discussion or communication about
>>>>>> this at all.
>>>>>> LLVM 9 is currently in the buildroot, and an update with a very short
>>>>>> description has been submitted:
>>>>>> https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2019-b83bd6b46c
>>>>>> (it just says "Update for LLVM 9 rebase.", which is odd since it *is*
>>>>>> the LLVM 9 rebase).
>>>>>> There is no Change for this, I can't find a mail about it anywhere,
>>>>>> it's just been sort of dumped in. Is there enough grounds for dumping
>>>>>> in a major new LLVM and violating the update policy at this point in
>>>>>> the F31 release?
>>>>> There are compatibility packages included in the update, so there should 
>>>>> not
>>>>> be any ABI breakage from this update.  Also, what exactly is the main
>>>>> issue right now?  Is it the buildroot overrides?
>>>> This is what caused me to notice it, yes. Another update got built
>>>> against LLVM 9 because it was in the buildroot, which means that update
>>>> is now not installable without the LLVM 9 update:
>>>> https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2019-52ecb9952b
>>>> openQA caught this, which put me onto the change.
>>> Ok, what's the best way to resolve this issue?  Do you want me to
>>> cancel the update and overrides and re-submit after f31-final is out?
> If there's a sufficient justification for including LLVM 9, we still
> can. I just wanted to flag up that it was happening and that it
> *shouldn't* happen without sufficient justification, and probably
> without more communication about it. Like, a mail to devel@ "hold onto
> your hats, we're going to upgrade llvm in f31 because X, Y, Z" would've
> helped.
>> If I understand things correctly, there are currently separate
>> mesa and llvm updates for this in bodhi?  That is never a good
>> idea when there are ABI dependencies between 2 updates, bodhi does
>> allow you to add multiple builds in a single update.
>> So my 2 cents is that it would be best to cancel the separate
>> llvm bodhi update and add the llvm build to the mesa update, then
>> the update will be self contained / cleanly apply to current F31 stable.
> So far as resolving this issue goes, the llvm update has like 11
> packages in it, the mesa update has 1. So it would make a deal more
> sense to unpush the *mesa* update and add a mesa build to the llvm
> update.
> Note that Bodhi will not let you add a package to two updates - even if
> one of them is unpushed - so to get the exact same mesa build in an
> update you would need help from someone with superpowers who could go
> do nasty things in the database to override this. The easier trick is
> simply to bump and rebuild mesa with no changes, and add *that* mesa
> build to the llvm update.
> You *could* also just leave them separate so long as you make sure not
> to push the mesa update stable before the llvm one. It is better to get
> this right in the first place and put all the packages into one update,
> but if you wind up with them separate and are careful about the push
> order it won't cause any huge problems (it just causes things like
> openQA test failures that attract angry QA people :>)
The LLVM update has the necessary karma now and all the gating tests
have passed.  Should I push this to stable now and then push the mesa
update later or should we still try to combine the updates?


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