Thanks for responding!

On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 8:54 AM Jun Aruga <> wrote:

> > I'm working on (learning modularity) and developing a module for my
> package and created a not-so-great (super long) branch name in the dist-git
> rpm and module repo before I realized that it would be the stream's name
> too.
> I faced similar situation. Ruby module was released as
> "private-jaruga-master" stream.
> Now the branch is empty, as we can not delete it.

It appears that you retired the branch, which is what I was thinking of

> > Also, it seems that the incomplete module was picked up and included in
> F31
> Policy Decision: In-development streams
> Right now "master", "devel" and "rolling" stream names are used to
> test a module before releasing version "X.Y" stream.
> it's unofficial way. There is a discussion about it on above URL.

Thanks for that tip, I'll use the master branch for now then.

> > someone was nice enough to open a BZ and tell me it's broken.
> Agree. Some checks before releasing are useful.
> > but is there a way for me to hide (or something) that branch and use the
> correct one that I just requested?
> Yes, you can hide the branch from the result of "dnf module list". I
> asked it to someone to hide "private-jaruga-master" stream.
> But I forget the way.

Maybe someone else can help :D

> > but wanted to ask first since I can't find any supporting documentation.
> Or now that it's been included in F31 am I stuck with it (even thought it
> doesn't work)?
> This is the documentation. But I do not think it is covering your concerns.

Yeah, I've already read that a few times, but there's nothing about removal.

> --
> Jun
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