Dne 25. 09. 19 v 17:21 Miro Hrončok napsal(a):
> On 25. 09. 19 17:10, Todd Zullinger wrote:
>> dnf repoquery -q --qf '%{name}' --archlist=src --releasever=rawhide \
>>      --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo=rawhide-source \
>>      --whatrequires asciidoctor --whatrequires rubygem-asciidoctor
> When you don't include the rawhide repo, virtual provides are not
> checked. The more correct (arguably still broken, due to boolean
> requires) query is:

Arguably, you should s/--whatrequires/--whatdepends/


> $ repoquery --repo=rawhide{,-source} --whatrequires rubygem-asciidoctor
> If you only need BuildRequires (why?), you still need to include the
> rawhide repo, but filter only what you need. I tend to use:
> $ !! | grep src$
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