systemd-sysusers seeks to unify user creation[1]. It also has the
benefit of being able to create users on bootup. But, it pulls in the
entire systemd infrastructure with all it's dependencies.
containers do not need systemd to run. They are trying to be as small
as possible. But if a package in container needs to add a user, then
systemd is pulled in and that container grows by up to 60M.[2]

Minimizing containers, both in the short term and long term, are
important to the minimization team.  We have opened an issue for

Any ideas on what we recommend to users?

Troy Dawson

[1] -
[2] - The amount a container grows when systemd is added depends on
how many of the systemd dependencies are needed by the main container
packages. As of F31, if they need none of these dependency packages,
then a container grows by 60M by adding systemd.
[3] -
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