#fedora-meeting-1: FESCO (2019-09-16)

Meeting started by contyk at 15:00:22 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* init process  (contyk, 15:00:28)

* #2223 gdesklets : exception to continue using python2  (contyk,
  * AGREED: The request is rejected (+0, 0, -8)  (contyk, 15:07:04)

* Next week's chair  (contyk, 15:07:30)
  * ACTION: contyk will chair next meeting  (contyk, 15:08:56)

* Open Floor  (contyk, 15:09:06)

Meeting ended at 15:17:30 UTC.

Action Items
* contyk will chair next meeting

Action Items, by person
* contyk
  * contyk will chair next meeting

People Present (lines said)
* contyk (30)
* zodbot (18)
* sgallagh (15)
* mhroncok (11)
* nirik (10)
* zbyszek (7)
* jforbes (5)
* bookwar (4)
* bcotton (3)
* otaylor (2)
* ignatenkobrain (0)

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