Since FF 69, I observer rendering failures. To be more precise, when switching (by mouse?) from one tab to another, the content of previous tab is kept. Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Tab to get back typically fixes the issue.
Vít Dne 14. 09. 19 v 17:42 Adam Williamson napsal(a): > Hey folks! Just a heads-up for anyone watching the openQA test results > for their updates. If you see a failure of the desktop_browser test > which seems to end on Firefox rendering > weirdly, like this: > > > > > it is not caused by your update, it's some kind of flake which showed > up last week - probably a new intermittent bug in Firefox. On Monday > I'll teach openQA to work around it and investigate it a bit more > thoroughly. I'm also re-running tests that hit this bug when I see > them, so eventually you should see the result for your update clear up, > but until then you can safely ignore it. > > Martin, I'll file a bug on this for you. _______________________________________________ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Fedora Code of Conduct: List Guidelines: List Archives: