>> > > My previous objection was based on the precedent it sets. I don't want a
>> > > "Desktop" distribution in Fedora. I want a server-usable distribution.
>> > > Sure, it's just a dep and one can go install an MTA. But today it's
>> > > killing the MTA, tomorrow it's removing something else that's useful on
>> > > the server side of things. I want to see that trend stop and reverse.
>> >
>> > How about you become involved in the 'Server' SIG [1] then
>> Happy to do so. I also happen to believe that Fedora should have certain
>> server-useful characteristics out of the box (like Linux always has
>> done). That's my opinion, I've made it known, and now I'm done.
> FWIW, I'm with Jon and Adam on this one. I just don't see how not having
> an MTA by default is a win, except in disk space terms, and it takes up
> a tiny amount of disk space (especially if we pick a lighter-weight one
> than sendmail to be the default). I think it makes sense to keep one,
> for all the good reasons they cited.
I have no problems with leaving it default in the shipped releases,
what I would like to see is it removed from core/base (why does it
need to be in both). It would be nice to be able to do the "minimal"
without it in something like 256Mb of storage. Its like having
"printing" in base-x.... why?

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