Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-08-23 at 15:52 -0500, Mike McGrath wrote:
>> It's just risk management.  I think we'd be better off acknowledging there
>> are unknown unknowns and try to mitigate them.  One way we could have done
>> that this time around was making it an optional feature (as Matt was
>> mentioning in a previous email) for F14 and then decide in F15 if it was
>> ready.  Unfortunately that's not the path we seem to be on.  We unwisely
>> seemed to declare it ready before anyone even saw it then we ignored what
>> we didn't know as if we knew there were going to be no problems.  The sad
>> thing is that's such an easy fix by making brand new features for core
>> components like this opt in, even if it's just for a single release.
> Well, ironically enough, Lennart's last big revolution illustrates the
> problem with that. PulseAudio - previously PolypAudio, remember - was
> 'opt-in' for several releases; it was packaged in Fedora and many other
> major distributions, you could enable it just by installing it. It was
> used by approximately no-one. People just don't opt in to big bits of
> infrastructural change unless they have some very specific reason to do
> so; booting the system more or less works for most people, so why would
> they 'opt in' to a new init daemon?

If it's worth the revolution, wouldn't people choose to opt in?

If nobody ever opts in, perhaps it's not worth the revolution?

Just a thought ;)

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