Am Dienstag, den 16.07.2019, 19:26 +0200 schrieb Nicolas Mailhot via
> Le mardi 16 juillet 2019 à 18:53 +0200, Björn 'besser82' Esser a
> écrit :
> > 
> > Which build chain does look cleaner, shorter, and more semantically
> > correct?
> > 
> >   1.  systemd (no cryptsetup) --> json-c (new so-ver) --> cryptsetup
> >       --> systemd (with cryptsetup) --> other consumers in chains
> > 
> >   2.  json-c (double so-ver) --> cryptsetup and all other consumers
> >       --> json-c (new so-ver)
> > 
> The second may look shorter but it is certainly not more correct. At
> the end of it you still can't be sure everything has been built using
> the new so-ver, so you need to add at least one rebuild stage using
> the
> new json-c to be sure the result is self-hosting. 
> Any way you look at it, the last stage should involve rebuilding all
> dependant packages over a repo state that includes only the final
> state
> of the changed package, or you may unadvertently still depend on
> things
> you think you removed

That example was a bit shortened…

My actual build-chain in that case is:

json-c (double so-ver) --> cryptsetup --> json-c (new so-ver)
--> all other consumers

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