Nicolas Mailhot via devel wrote:

> It would be much clearer and user-friendly to move I*86 packages out of
> the 64 bit repos and make the i*86 an optional add-on

+1 to that suggestion.

Vitaly Zaitsev via devel replied:

> It will break multilib.

Not really. It would break the legacy "install all packages as multilib if 
available" mode, which has not been the default modus operandi of YUM for 
years now. Does DNF even support this mode? (That mode would break because 
the depsolver would attempt multilibbing all packages including ones which 
are not intended to be multilib and hence contain multilib conflicts.) But 
the default "install only the multilibs that are actually required by some 
32-bit-only package" mode should work just fine with that setup (and IMHO, 
that is the only multilib mode that makes sense anyway).

And it would remove the overhead of fetching the metadata for all those 
multilib packages for all those users running pure 64-bit systems. (It would 
increase the total metadata for the multilib users though, unless the 
repository contains only multilib packages, in which case it would be 
useless to build packages against, including those multilib packages 

        Kevin Kofler
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