Dne 26. 04. 19 v 11:15 Miro Hrončok napsal(a):
> On 26. 04. 19 10:55, Vít Ondruch wrote:>> How does modularity make it
> easier though?
>>> It seems to me that it does the exact opposite - instead of having
>>> one version of each package to maintain I now have multiple versions
>>> to worry about! I mean obviously I could convert to a module and
>>> only maintain one version but what would be the point?
>> Converting to module does not mean maintaining one version. It means
>> that you have to maintain the one version on multiple versions of
>> Fedora, where previously this was not needed.
>> E.g. if there is new OpenSSL in Rawhide and Ruby needs to be modified
>> somehow, then the modification has to be compatible with older Fedoras,
>> whereas previously you would do that change just for Rawhide.
>> TBH, keeping modules alive is much harder then it was without modules.
>> Not even mentioning the possibility of having multiple versions ...
> And yet somehow, somebody considers that easier.

Of course. If Java in RHEL is in module, then Fedora maintainer probably
does not have desire to maintain it in Fedora differently.

Also, just FTR, there used to be 3 people working on Java packages in
Red Hat and now it is not more than 1,5 if I am not mistaken. That must
be visible somewhere.

TBH, the disconnect between RHEL and Fedora is IMHO much bigger then it
used to be and this is also plays its role.


> I still try to understand that and I always fail.
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