Dne 24. 04. 19 v 23:04 Ben Cotton napsal(a):
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Set_skip_if_unavailable_default_to_false
> == Summary ==
> Dnf team wants to change a default setting for the repo option
> `skip_if_unavailable` to `FALSE`.
> == Owner ==
> * Name: [[User:jmracek| Jaroslav Mracek]]
> * Email: jmra...@redhat.com
> == Detailed Description ==
> Dnf team wants to change a default setting for the repo option
> `skip_if_unavailable` to `FALSE`. The option is responsible for
> behavior when metadata of a repository is unavailable. When it is set
> to false, it will stop on the first unavailable repository with
> raising an error.

I am not sure I undrestand. What stops with what value? What is the
problem this tries to solve?


>  The default behavior could be overwritten by a
> configuration of each repository or in dnf by configuration in
> /etc/dnf/dnf.conf.
> The behavior is not new, because it was used already by YUM, and the
> behavior is really essential because all Fedora ropos are already
> shipped with `skip_if_unavailable=FALSE`.
> The change will be applied in libdnf library, and the changed behavior
> will be visible for all direct and indirect users of the library: dnf,
> microdnf, PackageKit, ... .
> == Benefit to Fedora ==
> It should provide a better security because some Important updates
> from third-party repositories could be present in temporary
> unavailable repository, but user can easily overlook it during `dnf
> update` because the issue is reported as a warning.
> == Scope ==
> * Proposal owners:
> ** Backport the following upstream pull requests into the DNF stack on
> Fedora: https://github.com/rpm-software-management/libdnf/pull/701
> * Other developers: N/A
> * Release engineering: [https://pagure.io/releng/issue/8307 #8307]
> * Policies and guidelines: N/A
> * Trademark approval: not needed for this Change
> == How To Test ==
> Edit .repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d/* and set an url that is not accessible.
> Case 1:
> No skip_if_unavailable in the repo file, in /etc/dnf/dnf.conf or
> overwritten from commandline using `--setopt`.
> Any command that requires available repositories like `dnf repoquery`
> will fail due to an error `Error: Failed to synchronize cache for repo
> '<repo_ID>'`
> Case 2:
> Set skip_if_unavailable=true in the repo file.
> Any command that requires available repositories like `dnf repoquery`
> will not fail due to missing metadata of the `<repo_id>`
> == User Experience ==
> Broken repositories are recognized early, enabling the users to act
> upon them by double-checking their repository configuration or filing
> bugs, instead of assuming no upgrades are available.
> == Dependencies ==
> Depend packages - dnf, microdnf, PackageKit
> There are no changes on which completion of this change depends.
> == Contingency Plan ==
> * Contingency mechanism: (What to do?  Who will do it?)
> The change requires a merge and a release of the pull-request
> https://github.com/rpm-software-management/libdnf/pull/701
> * Contingency deadline: Should be delivered before 2019-07-24.
> * Blocks release? No
> * Blocks product? No
> == Documentation ==
> https://dnf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/conf_ref.html
> Update for documentation:
> https://github.com/rpm-software-management/dnf/pull/1358
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