On Sun, 2010-08-15 at 00:32 +0200, Sven Lankes wrote:
> Hi,
> despite the occasional flamewar and useless argumentation the fedora-
> mailinglist (and especially the high-traffic 'devel' list) I find that
> the mailinglist is one of the more pleasant FLOSS related mailinglist to
> read. This probably because of the fact that there are guidelines and
> that people not following them receive friendly, off-list reminders.
> (see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mailing_list_guidelines )
> Smartphones seem to be changing this and the number of full-quote,
> top-post emails is increasing steadily.
> This annoys me a lot (yeah right - I'm one of those people who're always
> complaining about everything).
> I don't think that the fact that smartphone-clients are incapable of
> creating email-replies that follow our rules warrants putting a footer
> in ones mail stating "Please excuse me breaking the rules, but I have to
> because of the contstraints of the device I'm using".
> I would like to add something similar to the following to the "If You
> Are Replying to a Message" part in the wiki:
>     The fact that you're sending the email from a smartphone or similar
>     device doesn't invalidate those guidelines. Please consider sending
>     the reply at a later time when you have access to your regular
>     email system or send a privat reply instead.
> Opinions?

FWIW, I have a phone which can only top post and so I refrain from
posting to lists with it. I think in general if it's not something
really urgent you can just wait till later to write it, and if it's
really urgent, reply off-list or remove the quoted text.

(mumble, grumble, this is what happens when you let normal people on the
internet, grumble, mumble...)
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Fedora Talk: adamwill AT fedoraproject DOT org

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