Hi Sören,

while I don't want to discourage you in your work, symlinking the
package manager to /usr/bin/nimue isn't going to solve a more
fundamental issue: every distro has a different naming scheme for
packages. Sure, the "big" programs (Firefox for instance) have usually
the name you'd expect, but with libraries this won't help at all.

Practical example: I want to install the development version of
Fedora & CentOS: expat-devel
Debian & Ubuntu: libexpat1-dev
OpenSUSE: libexpat-devel
Arch: expat
Alpine: expat-dev

Solving this is next to impossible, unless you want to enumerate
**every** single package of **every** supported distro manually.



Valor Naram <valin...@gmx.net> writes:

> Dear Fedora mailing list community,
> I am Sören alias Valor Naram and I founded the project "goeasyLinux". I will 
> help to make linux more user friendly.
> A short introduction to "goeasyLinux" can be found at 
> https://github.com/ValorNaram/goeasylinux/blob/master/README.md
> The specification I wrote in order to make a cross platform symlink to 
> package management systems: 
> https://github.com/ValorNaram/goeasylinux/blob/master/package%20management/package%20install.md
> With your help I want to make package installing/removing equal on all linux 
> systems without disturbing the diversity we have across linux distributions. 
> In order to do that we need just a symlink, no replacement of existing 
> software.
> I think you did something similar in the past.
> Best wishes
> Sören alias Valor Naram
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