
Project option
Enforce signed-off commits in pull-request


Michal Schorm
Software Engineer
Core Services - Databases Team
Red Hat


On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 11:15 AM Miro Hrončok <> wrote:
> It happened to me almost dozen times now, so here's my rage :D
> I want to send a pull request to a Fedora project*, I clone it, fork it, push 
> to
> the fork, open a PR and there it goes:
> ! This repo requires all commits to have the Signed-off-by whatnot in them !
> So I have to go again, amend with -s, push force. That is tedious and at 
> least I
> know how to do that. I assume there are people who don't.
> Can we stop this nonsense? I usually smuggle something like:
>    Signed-off-by: Stop This <>
> And nobody ever cares! The thing is enforced only because it can be enforced.
> The line in that commit message is totally useless and doesn't provide any
> benefit, just pain. I've signed the Fedora Project Contributor Agreement. That
> should be enough.
> Now a bit more serious:
>   What information am I missing? Why do Fedora upstreams enforce this?
> Thanks
> (* last time it was simple-koji-ci, but it's also fedpkg and other projects on
> --
> Miro Hrončok
> --
> Phone: +420777974800
> IRC: mhroncok
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