On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 01:18:29 +0200,
  Kevin Kofler <kevin.kof...@chello.at> wrote:
> Bruno Wolff III wrote:
> > I hope to occasionally push back a little against this. When LZMA squashfs
> > makes it upstream (it looks like it won't happen in time for F14) we will
> > probably gain about 10% on what we can fit in a given size image.
> It's quite sad that we're waiting for upstream there. The feature exists, we 
> could ship it, yet we prefer crippling our live images by dropping more and 
> more applications to meet the size constraints with obsolete compression 
> technology. What happened to the leading-edge Fedora?

We'll until Lougher writes something that Linus will accept, we need to wait.
I think someone paid him to work on xattr, so it makes sense that he would
give that higher priority.

> > Another change that could happen is droppong the embedded ext3 image and
> > use squashfs directly. (Selinux should now be usable on squashsfs file
> > systems.) That might gain us a bit more space.
> Won't that break liveinst?

I am not sure. I haven't looked into it too deeply yet. I have enough stuff
to do that I probably won't get to it real soon. I would guess there would
be some way to make it work, but it might be a little different than
what happens now.
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