== Summary ==
The change switches Fedora system default metadata format for full
disk encryption from LUKS1 to LUKS2. It mostly involves cryptsetup
package and Anaconda installer so that both creates new LUKS2
containers by default.

== Owner ==
* Name: [[User:Okozina| Ondřej Kozina]] and [[User:Vponcova | Vendula Poncova]]
* Email: okozina AT redhat DOT com, vponcova AT redhat DOT com

== Detailed Description ==

The LUKS2 is evolution of current LUKS standard for software full disk
encryption. It's enabler for new features: introduces new Argon2 kdf
(alongside current PBKDF2) for keyslots, better support for
auto-activation, support for wrapped key ciphers (paes cipher),
experimental authenticated encryption. Plus coming new features

The LUKS2 format is available and supported since cryptsetup release
2.0.0 (included in Fedora 28).

== Scope ==
* Proposal owners:

Ensure LUKS2 is declared default in upstream (owner is involved in
upstream development). Currently upstream aims for LUKS2 being default
in cryptsetup-2.1 (next release). We can switch it even before
cryptsetup 2.1 release by overriding the default via configuration
switch, but owner would prefer upstream default way.

* Other developers:
Installer (Anaconda & co) should adapt to the change (and create new
LUKS2 containers by default if user selects "encrypted storage" during

* Release engineering: [ #8028]
** List of deliverables: N/A
* Policies and guidelines:
* Trademark approval: N/A

== Upgrade/compatibility impact ==

There should be none with regard to currently supported Fedora
distributions. Both Fedora 28 and 29 provides cryptsetup-2.0.6 (at
least via updates streams) that is fully compatible with LUKS2 format.
LUKS1 stays to be fully supported even with LUKS2 being new default.

== How To Test ==

Basically there will be two areas to test:

* cryptsetup luksFormat command creates LUKS2 devices by default
*  Anaconda installs on LUKS2 devices by default when users selects
"encrypted storage" option.

In general this test plan should not cover bugs related to LUKS2
format itself. Those bugs should be covered by development testsuite
shipped with cryptsetup package.

== User Experience ==
The everyday experience should not be affected by the change in any
way. The basic LUKS2 operations (open, close, add new keyslots, remove
keyslot) is handled via same CLI.

More experienced users gain access to new features with default
installation as stated in detailed description.

== Dependencies ==
Currently only Anaconda installer. It would be inconvenient to install
Fedora (encrypted storage) using different LUKS format by default if
cryptsetup used LUKS2. The contact person is listed among Owners of
this change.

== Contingency Plan ==
* Contingency mechanism: Stay with LUKS1 format as default
* Contingency deadline: Beta freeze
* Blocks release? No
* Blocks product? N/A

= Documentation ==
LUKS2 specification document]

Ben Cotton
Fedora Program Manager
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