
The Linux-Hardware.org database has been divided recently into a set of 
databases, one per each Linux distro. The one for Fedora is available at:


Everyone can contribute to the database with the help of 
https://github.com/linuxhw/hw-probe (various packages are available: AppImage, 
Snap, Flatpak, Docker, RPM, etc.). The tool is intended to simplify collecting 
of hardware info and logs necessary for investigating hardware related 
problems. You need to execute only one simple command to collect all system 
logs at once:

    sudo hw-probe -all -upload

Hardware failures are highlighted in the collected logs (important SMART 
attributes, errors in dmesg and xorg.log, etc.). Also it's handy to search for 
particular hardware configurations in the community and review errors in logs 
to check operability of devices on board (for some devices this is done 
automatically by hw-probe — see statuses of devices in your probe).

Hardware stats and raw data are dumped to Github repositories: 

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