On Tuesday, November 27, 2018, Owen Taylor <otay...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 10:51 AM Stephen Gallagher <sgall...@redhat.com>
> wrote:
> > As came up in another part of the earlier thread, I think this is an
> > opportunity for Modularity. For those things like GNOME that want to
> > rev mid-release, if they shipped the 3.34 release as new stream, those
> > that want to move to it will have that option, and those who fear
> > change can remain on the 3.32 release, even if it's not getting
> > support. This would have to be something communicated at release-time
> > of course.
> If we want to offer optional GNOME-3.34, a module is probably a better
> alternative to using a copr - which is what we did last time.
> (https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/rhughes/f20-gnome-3-12/) But
> we have to recognize that if we create such a module we are
> effectively creating a Fedora 30.1 - because libraries in that module
> will replace system libraries. From the point where we release such a
> module, any RPM-packaged applications that use GNOME libraries will
> have to be tested against *both* F30 and F30+gnome-3-34.
> It's also a minimally scalable approach - we wouldn't want to have a
> GNOME 3.34 module and a NetworkManager-1.16 module and support
> arbitrary combinations.
> And we'd have to figure out some strategy for not breaking F31 updates
> when you have the desktop:3.34 module enabled.
I don't think modules are useful for non self contained package sets (like
a desktop environment). As you said we might end up having half the distro
in that module.
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