On 11/16/18 7:50 AM, Paul Frields wrote:
We should skip the F31 release cycle and leave F30 in place longer in
order to focus on improving the tooling and testing changes. These
tooling changes will improve the overall reliability of Fedora, and
will decrease the manual effort and complexities involved in producing
the distribution artifacts. Although we’ve done this before to make
“editions” happen, the intent is to track this multi-team effort more
actively so we can (1) use the time as well as possible, and (2) give
the work maximum transparency.

If there is going to be a pause F30 seems like a good place to do it: New glibc, new compiler- and a full year for them to mature. It's a nice basis for a stable platform. What would the update policy be for this year- same as today? It seems like you're proposing this as a one-time event to pay down technical debt, which is great, but would you perhaps consider doing the same thing for F31, F32, etc? The basic reasons for technical debt will continue- why not plan to service the debt regularly?

Brendan Conoboy / RHEL Development Coordinator / Red Hat, Inc.
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