This email is a hail mary pass. I posted the following message to the Fedora forum:
Part of the _closing_ response was for me to redirect the message to a mailing list. No joy attempting to access the webpage, so I googled "fedora org mailing list". This mailing list _seems_ to be the most pertinent. If this query is mis-directed, please either re-direct it or email me the correct email address or fedora org forum. Note: I originally sent this message as an email and received an email response to post the message as a new thread, here. The remainder of this email is my opinion. I am currently using Fedora 26. When I first heard of your (new) End-Of-Life policy, I hoped that the Fedora developer community would be so inundated with complaints that the policy would be reversed. Instead however, the policy is being continued with Fedora 27. I recognize that since Fedora is FREE, the developers face an enormous burden. However, I suspect that many will feel as I do that it is an onerous user-burden to have to frequently upgrade/re-install. Further, forum-technical-support, regardless of how timely and incisive, doesn't compensate for the user-burden. If you agree but need to first alleviate current burdens, then I suggest revamping your management of spins. Personally, my Fedora26-Cinnamon-spin-install _failed_. Further, the problem was _immediately_ alleviated by my abandoning the spin, installing the _vanilla_ Fedora 26, and then _manually_ installing Cinnamon. My rig has _no_ _video_ _card_; I use the mobo's onboard video. Internet-researching, I found that others had a similar experience. I think that it is _not_ _practical_ for the Fedora development community to try to anticipate all of the anomalies caused by unusual hardware or drivers. I see _no_ _reason_ why the Fedora development community can't _replace_ ALL OF ITS SPINS with user installation documents (instructions) + the appropriate messages in the gui presented to the user at the end of the installation process. Naturally, you would want these "gui messages" _preserved_ as part of the installation, so that the "sleepy-user-installer" could be later directed to them as a forum query response. Furthermore, the spin strategy that I am proposing transfers the _responsibility_ of the "spin install" (e.g. manually installing Cinnamon atop Fedora) where it _belongs_ (e.g. with the Cinnamon developers org). Naturally, the "spin org" would expect that its developers would work _with_ the Fedora developers to resolve anomalies. I advocate that this strategy be extended to _all_ spins, and that Fedora's End-Of-Life policy be _changed_ from 13 months to 37 months. _______________________________________________ devel mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Fedora Code of Conduct: List Guidelines: List Archives: