Gerald B. Cox wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 8:31 AM Chris Adams <> wrote:
> > Once upon a time, R P Herrold <> said:  
> > > perhaps by reading the subject line you chose to start this
> > > thread with  
> >
> > Matt didn't choose that - that subject was set by Gerald B. Cox.
> >
> > As I previously mentioned with all the top-posting, excerpts and hyperbole  
> interjected by others people
> get lost and run with mis-quotes - perhaps Discourse could help with that.
Moments before I read this I checked for myself who had changed the
subject line. It took me about five seconds to scroll up in the tree
view, find the point where the subject changed, and read the name on
the same line. Having just done that so easily, I can really appreciate
how utterly misdirected your remark is.

If it's difficult for you to check who wrote a subject line, then your
problem is that you're trying to read a mailing list through a user
agent that isn't up to the task. And, speaking of misquotes, the
misattributed line that can be seen above ("As I previously ...") is a
visible indication that you're not using one of the better Mail User

Humans will always misremember things, and not bother to check because
they think they remember. No technology is going to help with that
until we get direct neural interfaces.

Björn Persson

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