On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 11:12 AM Gerald B. Cox <gb...@bzb.us> wrote:
> Did you checkout the Fedora Discourse site and read the Foreman analysis that 
> Matt provided?

Unless I'm missing something, I am not sure that either of these
things answers my questions. I am not asking the question "will
switching to Discourse increase user engagement" (which seems to be
what the linked Foreman article covers, unless I missed something?)--
I'm asking "what does the transition actually look like for current
users of the mailing lists".

> We're not talking about re-inventing the wheel here... nor are we the first 
> organization that have done this.
> I'm sure there are lots of lessons learned available to review - and I would 
> expect that the Fedora team
> that is working on Discourse now is totally aware of this.

Great, then it should be easy for someone to write up a change
proposal-like document detailing the migration strategy.

I am not saying switching to Discourse is a *bad* idea. I am saying
that I, at least, would like to see a more serious proposal than
simply "just do it because it's better". That might require switching
one list over and seeing how well it works (and it sounded like the
Council was considering doing this with council-discuss, which is
probably a good first step).

Ben Rosser
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