On 08/08/10 03:25, Matt McCutchen wrote:
>> Would it be any benefit to the maintainers\bugzappers.
>> If abrt opened the existing link, before it would report?
> And then what?  Encourage the user not to add a comment unless they have
> new information?  If that is the proposal, I am in favor.
Yes that was the hope.
But the main idea, was to get them to read the existing info.

> Adding the user to CC is still correct.

Agreed on that

Other users are responsible for
> disabling the "email me when someone else is added/removed to CC"
> preference if they so desire.
>> So there wouldn't need be be so many replies of
>> please try xyz?, to help cut down on noise.
> I don't understand this part.  The noise I've seen consists of
> abrt-added "me-too" comments with steps to reproduce.  I have never seen
> someone repost the same workaround in response to such a comment.
By that I mean the maintainer\Co-Maintainer\Good Citizen
retelling the same fix\workaround posted earlier in the bug.
To either enable\updates-testing or do xyz.
Because the bug report hasn't been read by the "added to" person.


Frank Murphy
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