On 18.7.2018 18:07, Peter Robinson wrote:
On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 3:18 PM, Mattias Ellert
<mattias.ell...@physics.uu.se> wrote:
ons 2018-07-18 klockan 15:23 +0200 skrev Zoltan Kota:
Hi All,

The Mass rebuild of pybliographer failed. See below:
Fwd: releng's pybliographer-1.2.18-4.fc29 failed to build

Notification time stamped 2018-07-15 03:04:40 UTC

releng's pybliographer-1.2.18-4.fc29 failed to build
It seems the .configure script does not find 'python'. The script uses Python 
variable to store python path (configure.ac: AC_PATH_PROG(Python, python, no) ).

Can I add/override this variable in the spec file?
eg. %configure Python=%{__python2}

or what is the correct syntax/way to fix the issue?


diff --git a/pybliographer.spec b/pybliographer.spec
index ac77e97..4649812 100644
--- a/pybliographer.spec
+++ b/pybliographer.spec
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ file formats: BibTeX, ISI, Medline, Ovid, Refer.
  %setup -q

+export Python=/usr/bin/python2

Or you can add:

BuildRequires: python-unversioned-command

No. You cannot.

1) that is supposed to be a temporary workaround, not a solution. this is an easyfix that needs no workarounds. 2) also https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Move_usr_bin_python_into_separate_package#Don.27t_.28Build.29Require_python-unversioned-command.2C_but_.2Fusr.2Fbin.2Fpython

Using unversioned python command in build of RPM packages in Fedora is against the guidelines. We realize that sometimes it's unavoidable, but this is not the case. Please stop providing advice that is against the packaging guidelines.

Miro Hrončok
Phone: +420777974800
IRC: mhroncok
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