On Wed, Aug 04, 2010 at 10:17:27AM +0100, pbrobin...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 9:55 AM, Tomasz Torcz <to...@pipebreaker.pl> wrote:
> > On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 08:32:07PM -0400, David Malcolm wrote:
> >> Rawhide (dist-f14) now has python 2.7
> >
> >  I have a machine which run rawhide since F11 times. Recently upgrade to
> > python2.7 failed because of "rhpl" package. rhpl was removed from Fedora
> > some time ago, so it wasn't rebuild lately.
> >  Now the question: what package should cause rhpl to be removed during 
> > update?
> > Is there any obsoletes or conflicts that should cause rhpl to be removed
> > during upgrades (F11→F15 time frame)?
> I noticed this the other day as well. It should have been obsoleted by
> something so that it was removed on upgrade.
We've talked about adding Obsoletes for packages that are no longer in the
repository with no replacement (as is the case for rhpl) to something like
fedora-release before but AFAIK we've never pulled the trigger on actually
doing it.


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