On Tue, 2010-08-03 at 06:41 +0200, Kevin Kofler wrote:

> All this dist-git migration has brought us is chaos, a much higher barrier 
> to entry and much harder work for existing packagers. (And yes, I've also 

I disagree. I'm not an expert on cvs or git. Being not an expert, to
update packages, I simply follow the helpful Wiki instructions for
monkeys. As long as these are accurate and don't require independent
thought, it makes little difference which is which to an idiot monkey
like me. The instructions for both CVS and git cover the typical
operations an idiot package maintaining monkey needs to do, and hence
everything is fine.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Fedora Talk: adamwill AT fedoraproject DOT org

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