Dne 1.6.2018 v 19:00 Jason L Tibbitts III napsal(a):
>>>>>> "TK" == Tomas Kovar <to...@kovar.sk> writes:
> TK> - this one is on the polish side of things:
> [don't keep bouncing to text mode]
> I might also add that as part of this, we'd also need to get rid of the
> very early message about EFI secure boot being enabled.  Then we'd be
> left only with the random kernel message spew that some machines have
> just before X starts up.  (For me it's usually something complaining
> about ACPI tables or somesuch.)

Good point, I see such messages + messages about high temperature and
throttling CPU every boot.


>   But I'm sure Hans has already thought
> of all of that.
>  - J<
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