On Tue, 2010-08-03 at 06:41 +0200, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Matt McCutchen wrote:
> > Are you comparing git to Mercurial or to a centralized VCS?
> Both. Git is just a PITA in its own league, but DVCSes as a whole are a 
> broken (*) and unhelpful (inherently hard to use) concept.
> (*) e.g. because of the strong reliance on hashes, which can make the whole 
> thing break down in the event of a hash collision [1], and which make commit 
> IDs 
> nonsequential and unpredictable

This is nonsense and Kevin can you stop being such a ball of "stop". Try
and divert some of the major amounts of stop and no energy you have at
yourself for a while.


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