On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 8:44 AM, Florian Weimer <fwei...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 03/09/2018 02:21 PM, Josh Boyer wrote:
>>> So as a stop-gap measure, I'd like to add this:
>>> Conflicts: kernel
>> That's a metapackage now, which isn't actually required for installs.
>> Better to do it on kernel-core, however..
> Noted.
>>> to the glibc32 package, to make it very unlikely that end users can
>>> install
>>> it and completely break there Fedora installation.  Buildroots shouldn't
>>> have kernels, so it wouldn't affect them.
>>> Comments?  Suggestions?
>> Buildroots have kernels all the time.  Various packages like
>> libguestfs require it because they run virt tests during RPM build.
>> The 4.16-rc4 kernel-core was a component of gnome-software,
>> libtaskotron, plasma-discover, etc.  Now, whether or not those also
>> needed glibc32 in the buildroot is a different question.  I'm simply
>> pointing out it might not be a safe assumption to assume the
>> kernel/kernel-core packages are never installed in the buildroot.
> Hmm.  Do you think it's still worth a try?

Maybe.  We could add it and see what breaks.  Might be a nice way to
figure out if people have incorrect dependencies on things too, but I
suspect there are a few cases where this might cause issues with valid

>> Perhaps it would be better to put:
>> %ifarch x86_64
>> Conflicts:glibc32
>> %endif
>> in the kernel spec?
> What's the improvement compared to the glibc32 change?  Would we still add
> that to the kernel-core package?

I guess, now that I've had coffee, there isn't really a difference.

Stepping back a bit, I'm curious why glibc32 would land in the
composes.  It shouldn't...  it should only be tagged in the fNN-build
tags, which the composes should not pull from.  Where do we have
recent issues of it getting pulled into a compose?

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