On 02/07/2018 10:27 AM, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> Greetings, we've been told that the email addresses for these package
> maintainers are no longer valid. I'm starting the unresponsive
> maintainer policy to find out if they are still interested in
> maintaining their packages (and if so, have them update their email
> addresses in FAS).
> If they're not interested in maintaining or we can't locate them in 1
> week, I'll have FESCo orphan the packages so that others can take them
> over.
> If you have a way to contact these maintainers, please let them know
> that we'd appreciate knowing what to do with their packages. Thanks!

I've heard back from one of them, but not any of the others.

So, accordingly I have orphaned the following packages:


If you wish to become point of contact for these or any other orphaned
packages, please let this list know and file a releng ticket to reassign
the package(s).

and have also removed the bugzilla component for
rpms/qpidpy as this package no longer existed in Fedora.

> xing:
>   https://src.fedoraproject.org/user/xning
>   Projects:
>   https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/perl-Pod-Plainer [product: Fedora]

> aortega:
>   Projects:
>   qpidpy [product: Fedora]
>   qpidrb [product: Fedora]
> jcholast:
>   https://src.fedoraproject.org/user/jcholast
>   Projects:
>   peervpn [product: Fedora]
> mzatko:
>   https://src.fedoraproject.org/user/mzatko
>   Projects:
>   arandr [product: Fedora]
>   rubygem-slim [product: Fedora]
>   rubygem-awesome_print [product: Fedora]
>   rubygem-colored [product: Fedora]
>   arm-none-eabi-gdb [product: Fedora]
> kevin
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