Le 2018-02-27 15:49, Fabio Valentini a écrit :

Hi Fabio,

Thanks a lot for testing, we need more input to produce great Go packaging tooling.

I've been following the (long overdue) improvements concerning go
packaging in fedora, and since I saw that packages are starting to
make use of the new mechanisms, I wanted to finally check it out and
started "converting" one of my own (one of ~50) golang packages
(golang-github-AudriusButkevicius-cli). However, I came across a few
stumbling blocks (and at least one bug) in the current implementation
(please correct me if I am just doing it wrong):

1) The currently implemented macros have different names than the ones
that were proposed at the "More Go Packaging" wiki page, which
confused me.

Yes, Jan changed quite a few macro names and semantics when merging and rewriting macro code in go last week. Some of his changes are very good and quite better than what I proposed, others I don't quite agree with and I'm not sure they actually work. And clearly the result is not tested enough.

My plan is to take all the improvements Jan made, reintegrate everything that can be on the original proposed macro names (I don't want to rewrite my 550+ tested Go specs more than absolutely necessary), and make a new pass on the documentation for things that changed for the better but require call changes in the specs.

In the meanwhile you should still have the original PR to go-compilers in Pagure which is not what Jan merged, has some bits that will be done better with the code Jan wrote, but in the meanwhile is actually working and tested.


Nicolas Mailhot
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