On Thursday, February 22, 2018 3:50:38 PM CET Pierre-Yves Chibon wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 05:28:20PM +0100, Petr Šplíchal wrote:
> > When, for a particular package, it is the most efficient way to
> > maintain tests in a separate repo why should we discourage from
> > this approach? There are packages where it makes more sense to
> > store test code directly in dist-git. And it is still an option.
> > But why should we enforce this for all?
> My worries are basically that this mechanism is hiding the tests from
> the package maintainers. It splits the concerns between people
> maintaining the artifacts and people maintaining the tests, which is
> exactly what the original plan to bring CI was *not* about.

Since we'll have to "hook" the remote repo into dist-git code, I must be
missing something.  Where do you see the hidden magic?

> The idea has always been to bring the tests where the code lives, so
> that both can be worked on as one, to make tests be a concern of the
> package maintainer very much like updating the artifact (rpms, image..)
> is, while getting support from QE for them (the tests).

If the tests live in separate repo, they still can "work as one".

> In addition, this is what I fear most:
> The tests for the package are stored elsewhere, we're not sure where (the 
> tests
> namespace, a random git repo on the internet...), the packager update package
> and the tests fail.
> What do you think will happen?
> a) the packager will look for $random_place_of_the_internet where tests are 
> and
>    spend time trying to fix them.

Yes, please don't force us to use random_place_of_the_internet, but rather
allow maintainers to use standardized place.

Then e.g. 'rpmtests/<PKGNAME>' repo can automatically grant commit access
to package maintainers of 'rpms/<PKGNAME>' to not overcomplicate things,
but still, we can grant non-packagers access to 'rpmtests/<PKGNAME>'.

What about proventesters, could we grant them access to all tests, or could we
create new role?

> b) the packager will turn off the tests because they get in the way

Polemics (even below) about turning-off the tests is FUD.  Since tests are
opt-in feature, why would anyone thought this way?

> If the packager wants to turn off the tests, they will have to go through
> dist-git to do it, they may very well end up turning the tests off anyway, but
> if the tests are right there, they may as well have a quick look at them to 
> see
> if they can fix them quickly before deciding.
> In addition, if the packager turn the tests off and the people maintaining the
> tests do not realize that, they will end up spending time maintaining
> $somewhere_else tests that aren't being used.
> Having them interact directly with the dist-git repo will increase the
> chances
> that they see/realize when something is turned off.
> If that means we have less tests in dist-git because the maintainers do
> not want them, I'd say so be it.  In the long term this is their loss,
> they are the ones who will get the bug reports and will have to deal
> with them, they are the ones who will have to dive into old code rather
> than going back into something that is still fresh in their mind.

There's no loss, no.  Everything is as transparent as with in-dist-git
testing, except it gives us more flexibility
- to allow more people to contribute.
- keep the package's git smaller and concentrated on packaging

> As long as, it is clear that they have been approached and that it is their
> choice to not merge pull-requests adding tests, I think the people offering to
> help should not be the ones blamed.

The help here is very much welcome, I wouldn't blame anyone though (I for
one only wait for a bit more flexible form of CI).

Btw., the far more important problem is that we can not setup CI for
non-atomic host packages, and that we can not use the CI for Rawhide


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