On Fri, 2018-02-16 at 14:34 +0100, Vít Ondruch wrote:
> I wish the compose process was more transparent. May be it is just me,
> but I don't know where to start looking when I don't get the daily
> compose report.


All composes initially happen there. Rawhide composes happen in the
rawhide/ subdirectory. Branched happen in the branched/ subdirectory.
Each compose directory contains logs. The usual process for debugging
failed composes is to look at the pungi.global.log file, which usually
indicates what the failed fatal task was, get the task ID or full task
URL from that log, then go to Koji and look at the actual failed task
and figure out what went wrong with it.

> And the compose report email does pretty bad job explaining where the
> information comes from etc.

The compose reports are generated by https://pagure.io/compose-utils ,
which is called by the scripts that actually run the composes, which
live in https://pagure.io/pungi-fedora , along with (most of) the
Fedora-specific compose configuration bits.
https://pagure.io/pungi-fedora/blob/master/f/nightly.sh is the script
that runs the Rawhide composes. Branched composes are run by the copy
of the same script on the appropriately-numbered branch. (Personally I
hate these scripts and the branching system, FWIW, and would much
prefer to rewrite them entirely, but Mohan has said he's going to work
on that and it's more his job than it is mine, so I'm deferring to him
on that one).
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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