On Fri, 2018-02-16 at 08:44 +0000, Tomasz Kłoczko wrote:
> On 14 February 2018 at 14:09, Tomasz Kłoczko <kloczko.tom...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> [..]
> > Looks like at the moment Fedora build infrastructure is using set of
> > packages which is still not pushed to public repo.
> > This particular build fail looks like is caused by new version of
> > the xerces-c.
> > Will check this when new xerces-c-devel 3.2.0 will be in public rawhide
> > repo.
> > 
> Can someone provide some update about ETA pushing all new packages
> generated during last mass rebuild?

Packages go to the 'rawhide' repo when a compose succeeds. When the
composes are failing, the repo doesn't get updated.

The packages are "public", though - they're just not in the 'rawhide'
repo. You can configure a repo to match the Rawhide buildroot, but I
can't find the magic URL for that right now (we don't publicize it
heavily because too many people using it can cause traffic issues on
the server, and it's not multilib safe, and the packages aren't always
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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