On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 02:39:53PM -0800, Adam Williamson wrote:
> > I suspect that right now, the answer is kind of "It's all of us
> > together", which unfortunately practically speaking often comes down to
> > 0.02% per person and rounds down to 0.
> I...kinda disagree.

Sorry, that came out way more mean then I meant. In fact you and other
people who care do an amazing job of making it work over and over again
despite all sorts of problems. 

> > least, if it was someone who isn't already deeply involved in that. I'm
> > thinking probably someone selected from FESCo — but it also could be a
> > way for people with the particular set of skills required here to get
> > involved in a way that's different from FESCo membership.
> This is...pretty much what I do for every release, and have been doing
> since like Fedora 14 or something?

I know you do for the releases -- and heroically so, including on
things like "holidays", and "weekends" and "when most human beings are
sleeping". That's generally pretty thankless, so... thank you.

My intention here wasn't, actually, to complain, but to figure out if
we could do something to spread the work around a little bit -- or
maybe to attach some recognition to what's being done, and make a clear
process for where, say, FPgM or someone should go for status on Rawhide
in specific.

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
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