On 15 February 2018 at 15:19, David Shea <ds...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Can we maybe step back and give other developers the benefit of the doubt
> instead of immediately attacking an attempt to provide information? This is
> really unnecessarily hostile.

What I wrote is not about hostility or attacking anyone.
It is only pure conclusion about Will current understanding of the subject.
So what I wrote it is only clear signal from my side that Will (as probably
many other people here) still do not understand where all those changes are
I'm sure that sooner or later he will understand
People are different and by definition each of us are able to understand
different things with different speed.
I'm sure that probably someone will be able to find some other subject
which I will have difficulty to understand .. not because I'm stupid or
idiot but because I have exact baggage of my current knowledge and
The same is with Will .. he is *ONLY* trying to understand the subject and
so far he been failing trying to use words which have no meaning in context
of exactly scriptlets subject.
So guys .. if you still do not understand nature of this change *just
please give yourselves a little more time* :)

I really do not understand what more is possible to say about remove
ldconfig execution from %post/%postun scriptlets than only this that this
change is about remove bits which only elongates install/upgrade time, That
is really all ..  just one sentence.

I've been really thinking that as long as Igor accepted my and few other
people arguments, and started removing ldconfig scriptlets critical mass of
the understanding has been reached.
Igor even wrote about this change some documentation so we don't need to
discuss anything here. Everything is explained in this doc :)
In other words: trying to discuss anything here/now is kind of result of
miscommunication, misunderstanding or even disrespect to time and work
which Igor spend on prepare to this change.

So "Roma locuta, causa finita". Fedora rawhide *already* incorporated
ldconfig scriptlets reduction.
I see some overuse some %ldconfig* macros but this could be corrected in
next few iterations.

What has been already done with ldconfig it was *only* one step on
evolutionary change of the state of all Fedora packages on the path going
to state where it will be no per package scriptlets!!!
Such change cannot be done by revolution because many Fedora packages are
sill not able to spot that all those per package scriptlets is possible to
abandon (if few other things will be changed outside packaging layer).
Other reason why this cannot bi introduced in revolutionary way is related
to "death by thousands cuts" effect.
As I wrote here only way of fixing results of this effect is *ONLY* undo
one by one each of those single cuts.

My plan is not to fight with believers but show by reduction one by one
sets of the scriptets that all together those scriptles could be removed ..
(again: if few other bits could be added outside of pure packaging or if
rpm as PM tool will incorporate few functionalities which already has been
integrated into PM like Solaris IPS).
Smaller set of those scriplets than easier will be spot that *they are not

It took me personally more than few years to come to conclusion that rpm
packages scriptlets idea is wrong.
Now whole Fedora community is progressing on the same path even faster than
it was in my case.

So stay tuned and please be a bit more patient ..  (even if you still do
not understand whole/wider picture).

Tomasz Kłoczko | LinkedIn: *http://lnkd.in/FXPWxH <http://lnkd.in/FXPWxH>*
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