On 02/05/2018 08:48 AM, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> On 02/05/2018 08:11 AM, Sérgio Basto wrote:
>> On Fri, 2018-02-02 at 10:32 -0800, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
>>> rpms/gpm
>> I want take this one but don't now how , can we have a better wikipage
>> [1] ? please , it means that we should install fedrepo-req  ? and than
>> what should I run after ? 
> From the very qmail you are quoting:
> "If you are interested in becoming the point of contact for these, please
> note it in the appropriate ticket below for quickest processing.
> (no need to reopen the ticket, just add your fas name and what packages
> you want to take)
> "
> Just do that?

Ah, it seems zbyszek already requested gpm. Can you just drop him an
email and I'm sure he would be happy to add you as a comaintainer.


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