On 07/29/2010 07:38 AM, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Jul 2010 10:39:02 +0200
> Sven Lankes<s...@lank.es>  wrote:
>> Can we please orphan his packages?:
> I'm ok with it as a FESCo member. There's a 3 day objection time now in
> the policy...
>> packages with co-maintainers:

[... snip ...]

>> openlayers

[... snip ...]

>> I would take over gdal and grass if nobody else steps forward to do so
>> (I'd rather have someone with more knowledge in the field of gis be
>> the maintainer).
> You can talk to the existing co-maintainers and see what you/they would
> like to do?

I co-maintain openlayers with Christian.

First, I must say that Christian has usually not been very responsive to 
emails I wrote him, but it seems he just is usually very busy, as when 
he actually responded, he would respond several of my emails in a row.

Now, on to openlayers. I became a co-maintainer because I relied on it 
for a personal project... that I more or less abandoned.

So while I'm all for remaining a co-maintainer and helping the new 
maintainer out if the package is being orphaned from Christian, I'm not 
sure I want to be its primary maintainer.


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