> ----- Mail original -----
> De: "Neal Gompa"

>> I'm curious, what are you missing in the preamble ? As far as I can see it's 
>> all there (even though some values
>> set to variables %gometa precomputes). I had it's right autogenerated some 
>> parts of it in the past but it's all
>> converted to variable use now to avoid packager surprise and permit 
>> customization.

> Actually, this is fine with me. This is what disturbed me a bit:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Forge-hosted_projects_packaging_automation#Packaging_examples

Ah, yes the examples snip the lines that do not need specific changes for 
Is the … not clear enough?
I fear that putting a full preamble would be even more confusing for some 
readers. Though if people disagree, I'l try to find some time to add the 
skipped lines back in

Nicolas Mailhot

真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!
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