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On 07/29/2010 11:10 AM, Tom "spot" Callaway wrote:
> On 07/29/2010 02:04 PM, Jesse Keating wrote:
>> Over 10K repos have been converted, but I do have to run a script over
>> those repos and make sure the conversion actually "succeeded".  We've
>> also gotten dist-f14, dist-f13, dist-f12, and el6 in a state that we can
>> build with, however we do have to do some bootstrapping of el4/5.  I
>> have yet to look at OLPC-2/3.
> This may be a dumb question (I'm full of dumb questions sometimes), but
> is there any documentation available on how to use the new setup? Even
> something as simple as pasting the new command equivalents (both with
> fedpkg and with git, if possible) for things like:
> * cvs checkout libfoo
> * cvs commit -m 'updated to libfoo 1.3' .
> * cd F-13 && make tag && BUILD_FLAGS="--nowait" make build
> Thanks,
> ~spot

I keep asking for help with this, but it looks like I my have to write
it all myself, which make take a while...

But for the typical tasks here we go:

I want to build a new libfoo for rawhide:
  fedpkg clone libfoo
  cd libfoo
  <edit files>
  fedpkg commit
  <input commit message>
  fedpkg push (this step could be skipped with "fedpkg commit -p")
  fedpkg build

I want to build a new libfoo for Fedora 13:
Option A:
  fedpkg clone -b f13 libfoo
  cd libfoo
Option B:
  fedpkg clone libfoo
  cd libfoo
  fedpkg switch-branch f13
Option C:
  fedpkg clone -B libfoo
  cd libfoo/f13/

I want to import an srpm to my repo libfoo
  cd libfoo/
  fedpkg import <path.to.srpm>
  <review changes>
  fedpkg commit -p

I want to upload new sources (replacing existing ones)
  cd libfoo/
  fedpkg new-sources <file> [<file> <file>]

I want to add a new source file without replacing others
  cd libfoo/
  fedpkg upload <file> [<file> <file>]

Grabbing a recent fedora-packager build from
http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=5409 and
running fedpkg --help, then fedpkg <target> --help will give you a
better idea of what targets are available and how they can be used.

If somebody wants to take the above and start working on wiki pages,
please do so.  I beg you!

- -- 
Jesse Keating
Fedora -- FreedomĀ² is a feature!
identi.ca: http://identi.ca/jkeating
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