On Wed, 28 Jul 2010, Florent Le Coz wrote:

>   On 28/07/2010 00:24, Brandon Lozza wrote:
> > F11 or F12 had a beta version of firefox
> >
> > spot's chromium builds do support webm, it works great :)
> >
> >
> It's still not included in fedora's repositories, so it doesn't change
> anything.
> Firefox 4 in F14 is, in my opinion, a MUST HAVE for a distribution
> "leading the way".

In my opinion including software that even upstream says is not ready is
for a distribution that's "lost their way".  We can still be a leading
distribution and not include pre-release software.  Especially pre-release
software that's not only in our critical path, but also something that
almost all of us use every day.  Maybe as firefox4 available in
updates-testing, but certainly not a core default package.

I think what people are missing is that even though our release is
scheduled for late October.  The feature freeze was _yesterday_.  meaning
that firefox would need to have been ready for use yesterday.  Not in
October when it might maybe be ready.

There's a difference between making people use new software and making
them use half-baked software.  Lets not be the half-baked distro.

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