On 07/28/2010 01:08 AM, Mike McGrath wrote:
>> On 07/27/2010 10:53 PM, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>>> Are we skipping Firefox 4 for Fedora 14?  Beta 2 has been released
>>> recently and I am wondering if we can go with it if it fits into the
>>> schedule.  There are dozens of new features including WebM support that
>>> would be nice to have.
> -1 didn't the last time we started using a pre-release from Mozilla turn
> out pretty bad for us?
That was Firefox 3.0 included as RC in Fedora 9, from an user 
perspective my memories about it are sweet... it was worse with 
Thunderbird 3, which was included in a release (F11) in Beta stage, and 
not even a late beta, it was something like Beta2, but AFAIK Firefox is 
expected to be RC around F14.

And while Thunderbird 3 was included due to the slow development pace of 
the upstream (we used to have a very old Tb 2), Firefox 4 comes with at 
least a killer feature, WebM (IIRC, another killer feature is the new js 

nicu :: http://nicubunu.ro :: http://nicubunu.blogspot.com/
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