grub2-tools does not belong to a distupgrade repository, causes
software-upgrade failure

I've found at least three bug reports, each with some grub2 component
that has a problem with grub2-tools when doing F26 to F27 'dnf
system-upgrade download'.

I also ran into this problem during my upgrade, and removing
grub2-tools and grub2-efi-modules, which fixed my problem. But this is
bad advice to give to people who have unique setups and maybe depend
on grub2-efi-modules to reboot into the upgrade environment

Anyway, I used --debug-solver to try to get more information to attach
to the bug report, but this doesn't work.

Could someone, maybe from the dnf team, take a look at this? A
suggestion on how to get more info, or even better a solution to the

I suspect we'll see more of these because the installation state of
the people who have reported this problem so far (including me) are
completely unremarkable; but are somehow different than a clean F26
system, otherwise this would have been caught during QA testing of

Had I run into this sooner, I definitely would have nominated it a blocker.

Chris Murphy
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