2010/7/27 Matt McCutchen <m...@mattmccutchen.net>:
> On Tue, 2010-07-27 at 09:49 +0200, Rudolf Kastl wrote:
>> small addition:
>> if you want to move stuff to /bin how about ifconfig and ip.
> I don't think so.  ifconfig and ip administer the system-wide network
> interfaces.  All the write operations require root privileges.  The read
> operations don't, but if they are called by an unprivileged user, it is
> still for the purpose of system administration and I don't think it's
> unreasonable to expect the user to go to /sbin .

well obviously it is else we wouldnt have to add */sbin to a regular
users PATH. From an administrator using commandline id really expect
to know the difference between su and su -.

kind regards,
Rudolf Kastl

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> Matt
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