On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 5:39 PM, William Moreno
<williamjmore...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> 2017-10-26 15:02 GMT-06:00 Mátyás Selmeci <mselmeci...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>> For upstream projects that provide spec files in their repositories, do
>> y'all tend to see a common location for the spec files? Like
>> dist/<name>.spec or rpm/<name>.spec, etc. My organization is trying to
>> standardize on a location for the software we maintain, and it would be
>> better to use something that many in the open source community also use.
> Helllo I have not seem many upstream projects shiping rpm files in theirs
> sources, but I have seem  many with a /debian directory with all the debian
> packaging stuff and some others with a /PKGBUILD dwith file used for the
> Arch Linux´s AUR, since rpm is not only for Fedora I think /rpm should be a
> good place to ship the rpm file.

I've seen packaging/{debian,rpm}, packaging/, dist/, rpm/, as well as
it being a top-level file.

The projects I've worked on typically use dist/<package>.spec.

For example: https://github.com/datto/dattobd/blob/master/dist/dattobd.spec

Projects from SUSE typically use package/<package>.spec

For example: 

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