On Tue, 2017-10-17 at 09:30 +0200, Miroslav Suchý wrote:
> Dne 17.10.2017 v 03:51 Matthew Miller napsal(a):
> > I think the bug here is that DNF is being over-zealous.
> > NetworkManager
> > does not require Cockpit, but Cockpit requires NetworkManager. For
> > some
> > reason, DNF thinks that Cockpit is the *only* reason NetworkManager
> > is
> > installed, and "helpfully" decides to remove it.
> Can this be fixed by running:
>   dnf mark '*'
> by Anaconda after installation? Or even better
> ?

I really don't think Anaconda should or can do that. You can't just
mark everything as installed on purpose because it is not (there are
dependencies for packages you choose) and you can't create the list of
packages which user wants. Only user knows what are these packages and
then he should specify them in a %packages group in a kickstart file.

If we are talking about installation groups then we need to change
comps to have NetworkManager explicitly named there.

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