On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 10:21:07AM +0200, drago01 wrote:
> FWIW this is the reason why upstart pretty much ended being a renamed
> sysvinit without offering any benefits because people are afraid of
> change.

That's what we call a successful transition. Now, we can incrementally
introduce improvements over the next few releases.

Rsyslog is another example of the same thing.

> The books won't magically be rewritten in time for F16 (people aren't
> even using systemd so why write / update books) ?

Because updated books sell? But authors need some lead time.

> Isn't it one of Fedora's missions to innovate and lead and not stay in
> the past forever because people are afraid of change?

That last part isn't in the mission, no.

> (Note: I am not addressing a particular change here; but people's
> resistance against *any* changes=).

Resistance to any change is a good baseline. Otherwise, you're changing all
the time for no reason -- it's like saying "Imagine how much faster our cars
could go if there were no friction!".

The tricky part is finding out the appropriate level of friction. And that
works better if we discuss in a constructive way as a community. There's a
disturbing tendency among the no-friction advocates to cry "bike-shedding",
but actually gathering feedback is an important part of the process.

Matthew Miller <mat...@mattdm.org>
Senior Systems Architect -- Instructional & Research Computing Services
Harvard School of Engineering & Applied Sciences
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