On 07/31/2017 05:08 PM, Florian Weimer wrote:
> I rebuilt all immediately problematic packages which use pthread_ and
> clock_ functions and had the ppc64le optimization, except kernel (which
> will be fixed by the upgrade to kernel-4.13.0-0.rc3.git0.1.fc27) and
> community-mysql (which ran into an apparently known issue related to
> unstable test cases and failed to build on x86-64, not ppc64le-specific).
> For ceph, I reenabled ppc64le support.
> For python3, I had to disable split debuginfo to get it to build, based
> on guidance from the RPM debuginfo folks (thanks Igor and Mark).
> Beyond the minimal rebuild set, I attempted further rebuilds to avoid
> subsequent breakage due to library updates.  I think we now have a
> package set that is fairly risk-free as far as further uploads and
> rebuilds are concerned (for example, I bootstrapped binutils, so that it
> would not impacted by future glibc or gcc changes).  I did not rebuild
> everything affected because I soon ran into hard-to-debug unrelated
> build failures (e.g., for couchdb).  Some issues I fixed (MariaDB
> breakage of lua-sql, s390x build failure of evince, highlight
> /usr/share/doc dependency extraction issue).
> Nick uploaded a new binutils version with the upstream patches, but as
> far as I can tell, the stop-gap patch was sufficient.
> We still need to do a new mass rebuild because the issue affected
> feature detection.  For example perl-Time-HiRes lost its clock_gettime
> support because a run-time check at build time failed.  I discovered
> this only as the result of a build failure; such issues are really hard
> to find by other means if everything automatically adjusts to the
> missing feature.

Mmph, I forgot to mention two more things:

If you still see localentry:0 build failures after this, please send me
mail with a link to the build log.  This should not happen.

And this is the final update for this issue because I consider it resolved.

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